Monday 18 September 2017

May Fayre 2017 Part 1

Date: 3rd May 2017
Time: 6:15pm
Location: York Hospital

Vicki has been induced for health reasons and after waiting for three days the decision was to have a C section. It was my job to keep her occupied as the doctors did the operation. We knew the baby would arrive during the month of May the unpredictable part was when? For 9 months I have been nagging, hinting, and telling the wife if I do not get a gig on the date of the May Fayre I am going to it. To which she would reply to in a number of ways, mostly with words I will not repeat on here but the overall response was no.

For the ones of you thinking what is May Fayre and what’s the big deal? This was the 42nd Annual Covent Garden May Fayre & Puppet Festival and it celebrates the first sighting of Mr Punch in England by Samuel Pepys in May 1662. It is held in the garden of St Paul’s Church Covent Garden, London. The day starts with a grand procession led by a brass band, followed by special church service then puppet performances throughout the day. 
In 2016 I had the urge to go but due to bookings could not so had it in my head to definitely be there next year. Then I am told my kid will be due in May…………ah, oh, erm, well back to the beginning of the story at York Hospital in the operating theater.

Dan: Can I go?
Vicki: NO
Dan: Please
Vicki: NO
Dan: But it will be out so I haven’t missed anything
Vicki: Now I need your help raising a new born
Dan: Can’t you do that, I want to go play

As you can imagine this went on for a while but please note we are a sarcastic couple and it might appear we are having a go at each other but that is not the case I am sure we are not the only people like this. I say that because the midwife looked at me in a disappointing fashion and could not quite grasp how me and Vicki were talking to each other. But it did the desired effect and kept her distracted whilst two men cut into her and pulled a live human out of her. Something that will live with me for the rest of my days was the sequence of events that happened in the last second to get the baby out. Vicki’s facial reaction like she had been punched in the stomach, the sound of rushing water, the first scream of our new born baby, Vicki’s facial reaction of realization oh god that’s my kid. I guess we will talk about May Fayre later.

After one more night at the hospital we got the thumbs up and could take our new toy home. We settled into parenthood quite naturally and after being in a relationship for over 10 years we are in sync with each other so when something needed doing it was done. Then it happened “you can go” I stopped in my tracks and looked at her to double check what she said “I can manage a day without you.” After checking we were both ok with this I got planning.

First thing was do I take my show or not as it’s a lot of effort dragging a puppet theater from York to London on the train but it’s such an experience performing at May Fayre. After weighing up the pros and cons I came to the conclusion I wanted to perform so stop whining. Second thing was how do I get the theater, puppets, sound system and myself to London as in the past my mum or Vicki has come with me and even then we struggled. One year Vicki almost fell down on one of the underground escalators and you might know how tall they go. The booth got caught on a step rising up tipping the booth back and her with it lucky enough there was a fella to push her back so she didn’t fall but she did knacker her ankle in the process. Since then she has always been cautious of escalators.

After tinkering with my equipment I came up with a way one person could do it and it was not that heavy. When getting my new booth done a couple of years ago I commissioned an identical one but it would be lighter and pack smaller. Depending on the location, the event and if I needed to pack away quickly would depend on which theater I would take. If I was to put them both next to each other you would not notice any difference but on the inside it’s a completely different design. Now everything fits into the golf bag I transport it in and that is tied to a hand cart trolley and I am good to go.

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